My writing buddy, Jan Morrill, aka Gypsy/Samurai Jan, has written the next New York Times Best Seller and Tony Award winning play, Broken Dolls. Broken Dolls is a touching, powerful story about the treatment of Japanese/Americans during World War II told through the eyes of nine year old, Sachi Kimura. In the story, Sachi, her mother, and brother, Nobu are internees held at Rohwer, Arkansas.
In real life, George Takei (Mr. Sulu on Star Trek) was interned at Rowher.
George Takei |
Universe works her magic in strange and mysterious ways. When Jan heard that Mr. Takei was performing with the Little Rock Symphony last weekend, she immediately took this as a sign to meet Mr. Takei and speak to him about Broken Dolls. She invited me to come along for the adventure.
Alas, even though George stood only three feet away of us, Jan wasn’t able to talk to him. But. Do not despair. Jan’s bold energy surrounded George Takei and set into motion a series of events that must manifest. It’s called the Law of Attraction. Only positive things will come from this back yard meeting.
Now for the rest of the story:
When I was in elementary school and junior high, I played the violin in the school’s orchestra. I was also a member of the Fayetteville High School A Cappella choir and performed in many concerts. I’m an actress as well. (Hard to believe I’m a drama queen, isn’t it?) I majored in drama at the University of Arkansas and acted in several school plays as well as the Rogers Little Theatre. It had been quite awhile however since I attended any kind of a performance and years since hearing a symphony.
I had forgotten the excitement.
I had forgotten the power of a collective consciousness.
Back stage at a play is chaos—makeup, costumes, runaway nerves, high energy straining at the reins to break loose and manifest. The heavy curtains shut the audience off from this corralled wildness. Everything seems calm out front but back stage actors run amok.
Until . . .
The director speaks.
The overture begins.
Actors settle. Calmness seeps through every pore and melts the panic. Magic happens. An unexplainable yet wonderful Oneness unites everyone into a collective consciousness aimed at giving the best performance possible.
Before a symphony, the Wood-Winds tune up, the Strings run scales, drums emit a low thunder, horns blare, the four-hundred person chorus files in, laughter, noise. Mass confusion reigns.
Until . . .
The Conductor steps onto the podium.
The silence is deafening.
Every eye is trained on one person. The baton he holds becomes a magic wand that unites hundreds of people into one collective consciousness working toward the same goal.
The result is overwhelming.
This Oneness happens in sports as well. Ever watch a football team warm up? Men running everywhere. No rhyme or reason to what they’re doing. Confusion.
Until . . .
The Quarterback brings them to the line of scrimmage.
The Oneness takes over.
The power of a collective consciousness is overwhelming. Think of the possibilities. If for one second, every mind united and concentrated all energy toward the same goal, sickness could be healed, famine destroyed, struggle and strife, gone. Peace and love would rule.
It would only take one second to change the world into paradise. One second!
Maybe that’s why plays, symphonies, sports, and the like attract so many people. Subconsciously we are looking for that director, quarterback, or conductor. After all, it’s only natural.
We were created by a supreme Oneness.