Get Crow!
Harry Potter once said, “I love
magic.” Amen, Harry, so do I.
Webster defines magic as: “as
extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural force.” This definition makes one think magic is
something mysterious, spooky, and unnatural.
Quite the contrary. Magic is the
most natural element in the universe.
More importantly, it doesn’t take a magician, wizard, or sorceress to conjure
up the power. If one is aware, observant,
and open, magic comes in many, many ways.
This morning, magic came to me in
the form of a crow feather.

Crows share their family tree
with the raven. Ravens have great
mysticism and mythology about them. Hmm
. . . interesting. Is it any wonder I wrote The Rook and The Raven? (
I’m fortunate to live in a country
setting where crows are thick. Every
morning they greet me with their “caw-caw” hello. They are saying, “pay attention.” They cry out to watch for the magic of the
I have one crow that is larger than
the rest. I named him Ichabod. Ichabod flys to my porch rail, hops to the
floor, and eats the cat food I leave out for the stray cat. (which explains why he’s fatter than all the
other crows) I never tire of watching him.
I love that he picked my porch to land on. It gives me a contented, happy feeling. I’d
leave cat food out even if there were no strays just so I could see Ichabod in the mornings.
I have a birdbath bowl on the
ground in my backyard. I always make
sure to keep it filled because many animals, not only birds, seek the relief of
water. This kind act didn’t go unnoticed to Ichabod. This morning when I went to fill the
birdbath, I noticed something black as coal on the ground—a crow feather. A gift of gratitude for the water, the food,
and my love for nature.
Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews says this about
the crow: “Wherever crows are there is magic. They are symbols of creation and
spiritual strength. They are messengers calling to us about the creation and
magic that is alive within our world everyday and available to us.”
Got crow?