Saturday, April 14, 2012


This week's photo prompt from Madison Woods for Friday Fictioneers had me stumped unitl 1:00 in the morning when an idea popped into my head.  Here's what I came up with:

Two seagulls:  Gertrude and Heathcliff:

Heathcliff:   “I wonder who will be the first to sit on the bench today?”
Gertrude:     “Oh, I do hope it’s the bag lady.  She always shares her bread with us.”
Heathcliff:     “If that mama brings her two brats to play, I’m leaving.  Those kids like to chase me."

Gertrude (chuckling):  Now, dear, boys will be boys.”
Heathcliff:      “A tweak from my beak in their seat would stop such foolishness.”
Gertrude:       “Maybe that elderly couple will sit in the sunshine and hold hands later. (Sigh) So romantic."

Heathcliff (nuzzling her neck):   “Just like us, me amour.”
Gertrude: (preening her feathers)   “Oh, Heath, you know how I get when you speak French.”
Heathcliff:       “French!  Suzie Secretary likes to sit on the bench and eat lunch from McDonalds.  French  fries today, baby.”
Gertrude: (disgusted)   “Is food all you think about?”
Heathcliff:        “I’m a bird, Gert. Get over it."

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Jean Louise Finch aka Scout
My all time favorite movie, To Kill a Mockingbird is on TV tonight.  I’ll watch it for what must be the 100th time and love the experience as if it were my first.
To Kill a Mockingbird was the first picture show I remember going to.  Mama loved Gregory Peck and since, in those days, kids went everywhere with their parents, she dragged me and my brother with her to see the movie.  I was in grade school and didn’t understand everything that was going on, but there in the darkness of that theater with the scent of popcorn heavy in the air, the first character I wanted to portray someday was Scout.  
A few years later, in Junior High, I read the book and it became my all time favorite novel.  The movie was great, but the book was awesome.  Scout came to life.  I laughed with her, cried with her, and walked that long, dark scary pathway home in that stupid ham outfit with her. 
In High School drama class I did a reading from To Kill a Mockingbird for an assignment.  Of course I was Scout.  I walked in her shoes.  I pulled her skin on and transformed into a spunky little southern tomboy who loved her daddy more than anything in the world.  I got an A+ and was called Scout until I graduated.   I loved it.
To Kill a Mockingbird has so many messages.  It’s the love of a little girl for her daddy, the coming of age story with Jem, the cruelty of poverty, the tragedy of ignorance and racism, the courage to stand for what is right, and above all, compassion and understanding for your fellow man. 


My all time favorite line in the movie was when Scout said “Hey Boo.”  Those two little words delivered from the lips of an innocent yet wise-beyond -her-years little girl make tears spring to my eyes every time I hear them.
Atticus Finch had it right.  “It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
A bigger sin would be not to watch the movie on its 50th anniversary. 
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.   Read it!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Madison's prompt for this week's flash fiction gave me the chills.  Everyone has a dark side. Today I let mine come out to play.

I’m under here.  Can you hear my cries?
Dead.  Murdered.
“Meet me at daybreak,” he said.
Tall.  Dark. Handsome.  I ran away to be with him. To live happier ever after.
But no.
In the dim light of early dawn he held me, not wrapped in his loving arms but under the water instead.
Doomed for eternity to watch the sun rays weave through the trees and spread across the forest floor like warm butter.
I hate butter.
I hate sunrise.