Saturday, January 29, 2011


The other day I was talking to my twin brother telling him how sometimes I rack my brain for interesting blog entries.  He suggested writing about our trip to Mexico.  That got me to thinking about things he and I did as kids that drove Mama crazy.  So, like WTCF (What-the-cat fur), every once in awhile I will share the childhood adventures of the Burkett Twins, Jimmy and Ruth.
Jim and I were famous from the get-go.  We were the first boy and girl twins born at the old Washington Regional Hospital in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  This was before the time of ultra-sounds and Mama had no idea she was having twins.  Neither did the doctor.  My oldest brother, Wes, was so excited he told everyone he was a double-uncle.
We were born six weeks early and weighed 3lbs, 11 oz..  We spent some time in an incubator before going home.  Mama and Daddy had to sell the cows to get us out of hock.  Grandma told everyone what a perfect gentleman Jim was to let me have the honor of coming into the world first.  Mama, on the other hand, didn’t share the same theory.  She maintained that Jim was tired of me by this time and kicked me out.  Personally, I think he was scared to pop out first so he sent me to check things out. 

Needless to say, Mama had her hands full taking care of twins.  What one couldn’t think of, the other would.  The trip to Mexico however was a joint effort.

Jim & Ruth

Being a twin meant you always had a playmate and a partner in crime.  We were fortunate growing up as we had a large back yard with big trees complete with rope swings, a creek, and a weed-patch behind us.  Mama didn’t allow us to go into the weed-patch because of copperheads.  Of course since it was forbidden territory, the weed-patch became our Bali Ha’i that called and tempted us with its mysterious charms.
On a crisp fall day while Jim and I were playing in the backyard, a rustling came from the weed-patch.  Eyes wide, we waited for a lion or tiger to step out.  But instead of a wild animal a stranger walked out of the weeds.  Quite sure this guy was a world-wide traveler we asked him where he had been and where he was going.  He told us Mexico.
Jim and I looked at one another and the same thought popped into our heads—let’s go to Mexico!
Not only were Jim and I lucky to have a large back yard to play in, but we had our own real-life guardian angel as well.  Our dog, George, was a spotted angel with a long straight tail and four paws who protected us at all times.  Naturally when we took off through the weed-patch, George walked by our side.
Our excitement built.  What would Mexico be like?  How long would it take us to get there?
Unknown to us, Mama’s excitement was growing by leaps and bounds as well. Her kids had disappeared from the back yard!  Where were they?  She yelled our names over and over but we never heard.  After all, we were half way to Mexico by this time.  But God heard her frantic cries and answered them.  She caught sight of George’s stick tail bobbing through the weeds along with the tops of our bright colored stocking caps.
Alas, we never made it to the border.
I think Mama switched us.
I know she asked what the hell we thought we were doing.
Quite innocent, we told her we were going to Mexico.
I think this stunt, along with others, was why Mama dyed her hair to hide the gray.
Jim and I never made it to the Land of Enchantment.  We have no desire to go there now.  However, The Land of the Midnight Sun is calling . . . "come to me, come to me."
George will have to go with us in spirit.  




  1. What a great story! I think YOU'RE the one with the gypsy spirit!

  2. I so enjoyed your story, and I look forward to more twin stories.
